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Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces


Smallmatek (SMT) has been a pioneer in the development of nanotechnologies to avoid metals corrosion and in providing consultancy services on the area of environmental monitoring. Our strong know-how leads us to create and invest in a revolutionary solution to avoid metals corrosion: the ADDPRIME.
Corrosion results from a negative interaction between metallic materials and the surrounding environment. Costs related with corrosion constitutes 3% of the annually GDP of industrialized countries. Only in Europe, €701billion are spent per year to solve corrosion related problems.
The most widely used solutions to protect metallic structures combine high-toxic corrosion inhibitors with coatings. However, both components suffer a negative interaction between them, resulting in a low anti-corrosive protection. Furthermore, current solutions allow for small savings of 15% of global costs of corrosion.
We, at SMT, developed a new patent based-technology that increases in 6 times the metals corrosion resistance. ADDPRIME uses encapsulated corrosion inhibitors that are released by stimulus of specific triggers. Our technology has the capacity to entrapped corrosive environmental species. Moreover, our solution is based on a nanotechnology with up to 3 times less toxicity than the current solutions, resulting on a low environmental impact.
By using ADDPRIME, coatings companies will have cost savings up to 27% in the production of anti-corrosive coatings. End users of our solution, such as maritime markets, will have up to 60% savings on maintenance costs. ADDPRIME technology will help Europe keeping the leadership in the production of ambitious anti-corrosive “smart” solutions.
With the exploitation of ADDPRIME, we expect to create 37 new job positions and enter in new markets such construction, industrial, maritime and automobile, where metallic surfaces are exposed to extreme conditions, achieving a turnover of 21M€ by 2023.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

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Régime de financement

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00
3810 075 Aveiro

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Continente Centro (PT) Região de Aveiro
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 71 429,00