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Training and mentoring of science shops

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A boost to science shops

Training, mentoring and support have ensured that science shops under the EU's Living Knowledge programme can support citizens in community and local science endeavours.

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Living Knowledge - The International Science Shop Network represents a collection of entities that undertake scientific research in many fields on behalf of citizens and civil society, mostly free of charge. These so-called 'science shops' support citizens in their quest for research support, often in conjunction with universities. the 'Training and mentoring of science shops' (TRAMS) project is a fully-funded EU initiative that was established to develop specific structural services and facilitate funding for these shops. TRAMS has focused on mentoring and providing training material for these shops to help upgrade their capabilities, coordinating exchange among different members of the network. Civil society in general and community research initiatives are benefitting significantly from the training and mentoring provided by project. It has helped science shops flourish, as well as promote exchange of training material and best practices among stakeholders. the project focused particularly on innovation within these science shops with the help of customised training modules or a training 'toolbox' based on newly-formed partnerships and mentoring activities. Through specific pilot programmes, TRAMS supported the two sides of the equation, i.e. users and suppliers, ensuring that both ends receive the required training and mentoring. Apart from providing elaborate, sophisticated training materials, the TRAMS project made its resources available through the Living Knowledge website, Of particular interest to stakeholders were the e-modules and databases to assist training, which facilitated research and learning in ingenious ways. TRAMS achieved its goals of encouraging and developing emerging science shops. There were even enquiries and initiatives beyond the TRAMS consortium that had requested support material to open science shops as well. In light of this, TRAMS developed the Science Shop Summer School model to boost support for emerging science shops and continue a trend that could eventually benefit communities and societies across Europe.

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