CORDIS - EU research results

Global Seismic Tomography

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Trans-Atlantic team dig deep into Earth

Researchers in the EU and the US are working together to investigate three aspects of global seismic tomography.

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The 'Global seismic tomography' (GST) project, comprising scientists from the US and France, will look at the merging of seismic data in different frequency ranges, including travel times and amplitudes of phases that do not satisfy the assumptions of geometrical optics, otherwise known as 'finite-frequency tomography'. It will also study the expansion of the acquisition of seismological data to the oceans by equipping underwater floats with hydrophones. And finally, it will explore the incorporation of wavelet expansions into the tomographic inversion. The funding from the EU will specifically help the GST project to successfully jumpstart an active research programme in global seismic tomography by allowing the team to acquire an Apex float to be tested as an undersea robot for the recording of earthquake waves in the oceans. Moreover, it will allow the researchers to organise an international workshop to discuss data sharing and coordinate the development of new algorithms based on compressed sensing. The funding will also help train students in modern data acquisition techniques and finance their participation in conferences.

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