CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
Customisation and integration of the HURID framework into the existing design practices for both aviation and maritime domains and into the maritime RiskBased Design RBD framework
Project Management PlanThis deliverable will include the detailed work plan and the description of the project management processes including Data Management and Quality Assurance.
Risk framework (methodology) for the development of different safety models incorporating Human Factors in both transport modesThe framework will be barrier-based and allow the key defences to be described in each transport modality, allowing aviation and maritime incidents to be understood and modelled.
Social, Ethical, Legal, Privacy issues identification and monitoring (initial)This deliverable will identify the guidelines for the project ethics and the required documentations.
Advanced data analytics and text mining for SHIELD Open Data RepositoryData and text mining methods and SHIELD tools to support effective analysis and categorization of safety occurrence reports and safetyrelevant human performance and contextual data
Policy notes and/or recommendation in required formatDrafting and preparation of policy notes and recommendations
Human Assurance toolkitThis task will design and develop guidance of HF aspects to consider when making design or operational decisions The toolkit will provide guidance on the generation assessment and selection of alternative options with the requirement of minimal additional effort from target users to integrate them in current processes
First Validation Report - seaReport with the validation exercises results
Report on communication activitiesReport and impact monitoring of the dissemination activities
First Validation Report - airReport with the validation exercises results
Risk models of major accident types in both domainsFor the major classifications of incidents identified in WP2 like Runway Excursion Wake Encounter Mid Air Collision Controlled flight into terrain Ship Collision Grounding Fire on Board Vessel etc and for which data exist models will be deployed that describe the major incidents in each transport domain
Design of the SHIELD Open Data RepositoryAnalysis of the needs of the end-users of the SHIELD Open Data Repository for risk analysis and design. Design of the database, describing the database objectives, the types of data to be stored, the relationships between the data elements, and the logical structure of the database.
HF methods and techniques for forward-looking scenariosThis task will reconsider all the outcomes of WP3 in the light of future technological developments and trends The task will start by defining future reference scenarios detailing technologies in use eg miniaturized sensors distributed data capture and processing nonintrusive personal monitoring tools etc and potential impact on operations and business models
HF methods and techniques for case studiesThis task will carry out preparatory work to select HF method and techniques for data gathering in the SAFEMODE case studies WP6 and WP7 Methods and techniques will include qualitative measures subjective assessments and neurophysiological indicators
Project Management Plan - second releaseSecond release of the PMP, including the detailed work plan and the description of the project management processes including Data Management and Quality Assurance.
Exploitation PlanThe Exploitation Plan contains the guidelines for exploitation of the SAFEMODE outcomes and its exploitation path including institutionalisation activities
Stakeholder analysis and Identification of policy recommendationStakeholders analysis, Identification of policy recommendation, and definition of actions.
Second Validation Report - airFinal Validation report including HURID review after case studies
HURID Final release and practical guidanceFinalisation of the Human Risk Informed Design Framework into a coherent framework The framework will be accompanied by practical guidance for the end users
Second Validation Report - seaFinal Validation report including HURID review after case studies
Project logo, leaflets and postersDesign of the project visual identify.
SHIELD human factors taxonomy for risk analysisThis report will detail the SHIELD human factors taxonomy, which presents the logical framework to describe human performance in safety-relevant tasks and the influence of contextual conditions. It will also include: (i) the gap analysis of existing taxonomies and data sources with respect to the needs for effective HF feedback to design for the various layers in the Human Factors Iceberg; (ii) Description of the use of the taxonomy for aviation and maritime operations.
Report on Just Culture FrameworkJust Culture framework to facilitate reporting including guidance material
Risk framework validation with incident cases and domain case studiesA set of incidents from both maritime and aviation will be analysed using the risk models to ensure the framework is sufficiently flexible to account for typically observed incidents The models will be tested with a set eg 10 of typical incidents A selection of incident analysis reports from WP2 will be taken from the maritime and aviation sectors and compared to the models
Social, Ethical, Legal, Privacy issues identification and monitoring (final)Final report of all the activities done and collected about ethical requirements
Validation Plan: CONOPS, scenarios, technical equipment, exp. design - seaValidation objectives and required validation activities Details of the validation setting and integration of sensors into the platformsVariables and experimental scenarios with the data collection plans
Validation Plan: CONOPS, scenarios, technical equipment, experimental design - airValidation objectives and required validation activities Details of the validation setting and integration of sensors into the platformsVariables and experimental scenarios with the data collection plans
Predictive models of human performance and guidance on Human Assurance LevelsThis task will develop predictive models of human performance in support of risk modelling and safety assessment The models will include Human Reliability Assessment HRA techniques as used in barrierbased risk models predicting what can go wrong and how likely it will be to go wrong depending on human performance influencing factors In addition human performance models will be developed which give a broader account of human performance variability in safetyrelevant conditions such as timing characteristics for recognition and acting in critical situations information transfer in sociotechnical systems and human workload
List of domain case studies and defined scenario with HF analysis - seaDefinition of the SAFEMODE the case studies
Aviation and Maritime analysis and cross-fertilization opportunitiesAnalysis of commonalities and differences between the aviation and the maritime domains Analysis of structural characteristics of each domain and identify crossfertilisation and leveraging opportunities
List of domain case studies and defined scenario with HF analysis - airDefinition of the SAFEMODE the case studies.
Risk framework to assess the impact and guide design decisionsFirst conceptual validation of the models will be performed by assessing if the models can support their intended use and deliver the expected benefit
Institutionalization StrategyStepbyStep institutionalisation strategy with identification of SAFEMODE outcomes needing particular attention from policymakers and determination by partners of rules needing attention and eventually areas requiring policy recommendations
Validation and active learning processes of SHIELD Open Data RepositoryValidation of the SHIELD repository extracted data feature feedback from other WPs on the effectiveness of the use of the SHIELD Open Data Repository for the development of risk models WP4 and in the case studies WP6 WP7 explainability and transparency of the extracted data features produced by automatic mining techniques and the derived data statistics will be assessed in user experiments
HURID Use Cases and HURID First ReleaseDefinition of typical use cases, i.e. description of how HURID can be used by system/operations designers, safety assessors, or regulators to inform their decisions. The HURID Use Cases address all the SAFEMODE target users, e.g. designers, safety assessors, operation managers, regulators.
Report on actions for regional, national and European uptakeReport and impact tracking of actions for regional national and European uptake
Dissemination strategyKey elements include: identification of target audiences; specification of channels for connecting with audiences (events and media platforms); cross-integration of dissemination output (print, electronic and face-to-face).
Design and development of the project website.
Open access to research data - to be completed
Final release of the Living Lab, including:Pillar 1: Project web platformPillar 2: SEAbrary – the Maritime LibraryPillar 3: e-HURID. The platform will eventually host all the HURID tools and other SAFEMODE outcomes, e.g. training modules, solutions developed in Case Studies.
Capacity building training packageTraining package of a short course for a selected number of training institution, policy-makers, and industries/operators, with the objectives of (i) present an overview of SAFEMODE findings, (ii) highlight policy gaps, (iii) discuss potential policy recommendations.
Living Lab and online platform, first releaseFirst release of the Living Lab, including:Pillar 1: Project web platformPillar 2: SEAbrary – the Maritime LibraryPillar 3: e-HURID. The platform will eventually host all the HURID tools and other SAFEMODE outcomes, e.g. training modules, solutions developed in Case Studies.
Project social media interfacesSet up of the social media for SAFEMODE.
Barry Kirwan
Opublikowane w:
AHFE 2022
Raphael Baumler, Maria Carrera Arce, Anne Pazaver
Opublikowane w:
Frédéric Rooseleer, Adriana-Dana Schmitz, Barry Kirwan
Opublikowane w:
Pietro Arico, Maxime Reynal, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Gianluca Borghini, Nicolina Sciaraffa, Jean-Paul Imbert, Christophe Hurter, Michela Terenzi, Ana Ferreira, Simone Pozzi, Viviana Betti, Matteo Marucci, Alexandu C.Telea, Fabio Babiloni
Opublikowane w:
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Diana Paola Moreno Alarcon & Corinne Bieder
Opublikowane w:
Barry Kirwan, Katarzyna Cichomska, Beatrice Bettignies-Thiebaux, Andrew Kilner
Opublikowane w:
Luca Save, Simone Pozzi, Sybert Stroeve, Osman Turan, Rafet Kurt, Beatriz Navas de Maya, Barry Kirwan, Andrew Kilner, Alexander Efremov
Opublikowane w:
STAB 2021
Frédéric Rooseleer, Barry Kirwan, Elizabeth Humm, Diana Paola Moreno Alarcon
Opublikowane w:
AHFE International
Gianluca Di Flumeri, Fransesca De Crescenzio, Bruno Berberian, OLiver Ohneiser, Jan Kramer, Pietro Arico, Gianluca Borghini, Fabio Babiloni, Sergio Piastra
Opublikowane w:
Brain–Computer Interface-Based Adaptive Automation to Prevent Out-Of-The-Loop Phenomenon in Air Traffic Controllers Dealing With Highly Automated Systems, 2019
Nikolaos P. Ventikos, Konstantinos Louzis, Panagiotis Sotiralis
National Technical University of Athens, Alexandros Koimtzoglou, Manolis Annetis
Opublikowane w:
Beatriz Navas De Maya, Clementina Ramirez-Marengo, Evanthia Giagloglou, Rafet Emek Kurt,Osman Turan,Sybert Stroeve, Simone Pozzi
Opublikowane w:
STABS 2021
Beatriz Navas De Maya, Ben Wood, Louis de Wolff, Andrea Lommi, Rafet Emek Kurt, Osman Turan, Simone Pozzi
Opublikowane w:
STABS 2021
Georgios Sidiropoulos, Nikos Voskarides, Svitlana Vakulenko, Evangelos Kanoulas
Opublikowane w:
Diana Paola Moreno-Alarcon, Corinne Bieder
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